A Wedding Is A Day, A Marriage Is A Lifetime®
Congratulations on your engagement, and welcome to the Catholic Engaged Encounter of Tucson Community! Our community has been serving the Tucson area for over 40 years. Most of the couples that attend our weekends live in the Tucson area, but we warmly welcome engaged couples from other areas, as well.

Our Community
Our Tucson community currently hosts 4-5 weekends per year, and has 6 team couples that volunteer their time to share the gift of marriage with engaged couples. We are also very blessed and thankful to have 5 priests that serve our program when they are available. Our weekends are typically held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Tucson.
Engaged Encounter weekends are a form of marriage preparation, recognized by the Catholic Church. Although Tucson has commuter weekends, the goal is to achieve a retreat like atmosphere.
A series of presentations will be given by married couples and priests. After each presentation, both fiancé’s are given time to individually reflect and write on the topic covered. Couples are then given time to privately reflect as a couple. Couples are never required to share their writings with the group.
No, Catholic Engaged Encounter is open to anyone, regardless of religious affiliation. However, the weekend is Catholic in design, intended to provide marriage preparation for couples planning to marry in the Catholic Church.
We recommend registering 4-6 months prior to your wedding date.
Weekends are $150 per couple. The registration fee includes all supplies and lunch for both days of the retreat.
We suggest you bring the following items with you:
- A reusable cup to enjoy coffee and water provided during the retreat
- Any snack or drink items for your own personal consumption
Please dress comfortably. We will attend Mass during the weekend. However, casual attire is acceptable.
The weekend begins at 8am and concludes by 5pm on both Saturday and Sunday of the weekend commuter retreat.
Please plan to arrive between 7:30 – 7:45am on Saturday morning in order to check in.
Each couple will receive two workbooks to use throughout the retreat. These are yours to keep. The workbook provides an outline of the retreat and topics covered. Due to varying factors, such as meal times, slight differences in presenter’s length on topics, we are unable to provide exact timing of each presentation. Most presentations, individual reflection and couple reflection time total about 60-90 minutes.
No, Tucson Engaged Encounter offers commuter weekends. You are not required to stay overnight.
Yes, it is very important that you are in attendance on both days of the retreat. If you arrive late or leave early, you will miss important parts of the retreat experience, and we will not be able to give you your certificate of completion of the retreat. If an emergency arrises, please speak with one of the team members.
Catholic Engaged Encounter offers a weekend-long retreat away from the hustle and bustle of life, where you can focus on each other, your relationship, and what it means to become a sacrament. While couples spend the majority of the retreat together – there is not much free time.
Catholic Engaged Encounter is a time for work and fostering growth in a relationship. As such we ask that couples refrain from using electronic devices as much as possible – including cell phones.
No, the purpose of the Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend is to interact with and talk with your fiance about the many aspects of marriage. If your fiance is not present, you will be unable to complete the program.
Additional Catholic Engaged Encounter weekends are held in nearby dioceses. Check other CEE communities for additional locations and dates on the National website at engagedencounter.com.
Once a weekend is full, a waiting list is generated in date-order of requests received. If there are cancellations on the full weekend, slots will be filled in the order of requests received. Please email at tucson@engagedencounter.com with any questions.
Reservation Policies
Payment for the 2-day commuter weekend covers lunch on Saturday, lunch on Sunday, and all materials. Breakfast and dinner are not provided for either day. Your reservation is not complete until you pay in full. Credit card processing through PayPal is the fastest form of payment accepted, and can be used even if you don’t have a PayPal account!
If your reservation is not paid in full, it will automatically be cancelled and will require resubmission. If you request a cancellation more than 2 weeks before your scheduled weekend, your registration fee will be refunded in full. If you cancel less than 2 weeks before your scheduled weekend, you will be refunded $75 of your registration fee.
Full and partial scholarships are available. If you need financial assistance, please email tucson@engagedencounter.com to begin the scholarship process. No couple will ever be turned away due to lack of funds.
If your desired weekend date is full, please contact us at tucson@engagedencounter.com to be added to our waiting list. Please include your wedding date with your request.
Register for Weekend
Step 2 of 3
Bride Information
Name: | |
Age: | |
Address: | |
Religion: | |
First Marriage: | |
Phone: | |
E-Mail: |
Groom Information
Name: | |
Age: | |
Address: | |
Religion: | |
First Marriage: | |
Phone: | |
E-Mail: |
Marriage Information
Date: | |
Location: | |
Priest / Deacon Name: | |
Priest / Deacon E-mail: | N/A |
Priest / Deacon Phone: | N/A |
Misc. Information
Contact: | |
Referrer: | |
Step 3 of 3
Pay With PayPal
Volunteer for CEE
Our community is always looking for charitable people to donate their time to our ministry. We often reach out to ask for prayers for the engaged couples that attend our weekend. The couple will receive a personal note card with the name(s) of those praying for them. This ministry can be fulfilled from the comfort of your own home!
If you have a strong call to serve our community, you and your spouse may be interested in serving as a team couple. Serving as a team couple involves writing talks on topics using your personal marital experience. To serve as a team couple, you and your spouse must be a couple in good standing with the Catholic Church.
If you would like to be a face in our community, but aren’t called to be a team couple you may be interested in serving as a host couple. Host couples arrive before the weekend starts to help engaged couples to their rooms at the retreat center. This commitment involves an hour or two of your time, but serves as a warm welcome to the engaged couples we serve.
Volunteer Today
Our community relies on the generous support of individuals like yourself to make our weekends accessible to all engaged couples. Couples with financial hardships appreciate your help in covering the cost of the retreat house, meals, and the workbooks they need to make the most of the weekend. If you feel called to support our ministry, please use the link below to give within your means. Our community appreciates your consideration and support!

Get in Touch
Please contact us if you have any questions. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Message Us
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This Privacy & Cookie Statement applies to all personal information collected and used by Catholic Engaged Encounter, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “CEE”) for the relevant part of the website. The Privacy & Cookie Statement is based on the CEE Privacy Code for Customer, Supplier and Business Partner Data. CEE respects your privacy and complies with EU-privacy legislation. Please be aware that the CEE Privacy Statement does not apply to other non-CEE websites, also, if you access these other sites using a link on our website; or if you link to our site from another website.
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At all times you can object against the use of your data for direct marketing purposes. CEE will not retain the personal data that are obtained through this website for longer than necessary. CEE will not be held accountable for any loss, theft, or 3rd party acquisition of personal information obtained through the site. CEE will not knowingly release your personal information to any non-CEE approved Companies.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy & Cookie Statement applies to all personal information collected and used by Catholic Engaged Encounter, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “CEE”) for the relevant part of the website. The Privacy & Cookie Statement is based on the CEE Privacy Code for Customer, Supplier and Business Partner Data. CEE respects your privacy and complies with EU-privacy legislation. Please be aware that the CEE Privacy Statement does not apply to other non-CEE websites, also, if you access these other sites using a link on our website; or if you link to our site from another website.
Right to Access / Rectification / Object
At all times you can object against the use of your data for direct marketing purposes. CEE will not retain the personal data that are obtained through this website for longer than necessary. CEE will not be held accountable for any loss, theft, or 3rd party acquisition of personal information obtained through the site. CEE will not knowingly release your personal information to any non-CEE approved Companies.